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News>Apple more than Nokia into the world's largest mobile phone maker
Apple more than Nokia into the world's largest mobile phone maker

Brief:According to foreign media reports, the first quarter of fiscal 2011, Apple iPhone, and accessories sales of $ 10,470,000,000, in terms of revenues, more than Nokia as the world's largest mobile phone manufacturers.
Beijing January 20, according to foreign media reports, the first quarter of fiscal 2011, Apple iPhone, and accessories sales of $ 10,470,000,000, in terms of revenues, more than Nokia, the world's largest mobile phone maker.

in the most recent quarter, Nokia devices and services revenue was 71.7 billion euros (9.7 billion), and is expected fourth-quarter revenue was 8.2 to 8.7 billion euro (about 11.4 to 11.7 billion U.S. dollars). Products, equipment and services sector, not just smart phones, including ordinary cell phone, Ovi services.

Apple's iTunes Store if you count the 1.4 billion in business revenue, Apple is far more mobile than Nokia.

a year ago, Apple CEO Steve Jobs (Steve Jobs) has said, with 15.6 billion in revenue, more than Apple, Nokia, Sony, Samsung, the world's "largest mobile equipment company."

Nokia CEO Olli-Pekka Kallasvuo time (Olli-Pekka Kallasvuo) expressed by "universal standard" measure, Nokia is still the world's largest mobile company.

Apple CFO Peter Oppenheimer (Peter Oppenheimer) pointed out that the company's mobile business grew faster than the industry average, "the first quarter of this fiscal year , iPhone sales from last year's 8.7 million increase to 16.2 million, an increase of 86%, higher than the global smart phone sales in the fourth quarter, an increase of 70%. "

Oppenheimer said corporate customers favored iPhone, "88%of the 'Fortune 100' companies, 66%of the 'Financial Times European 100' companies are testing or deployment of iPhone ".

not just to make life difficult on the face of Nokia, or a direct encroachment on its traditional markets. Nokia's traditional markets in Europe, Symbian mobile phones by European firms.

for Nokia, the most troublesome is the Apple mobile business will continue to grow. Microsoft and the PC similar to the field, over the years, Nokia has been the dominant mobile space. Apple have thrown the two companies behind the introduction of high-end products, not only capture the market share, but also for a huge profit. This gives Apple a better chance in the mobile phone and PC markets to lose ground.

Apple Chief Operating Officer Tim Cook (Tim Cook) said, "Although Mac computers and iPhone business growing faster, but we are on the market in the PC and mobile phone the share is still quite low, so there is considerable room for growth. "

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