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News>Jan. limit or run out of Shanghai Bank of China to suspend mortgage payment of CCB
Jan. limit or run out of Shanghai Bank of China to suspend mortgage payment of CCB

Brief:Last January a similar rapid delivery of credit may not be reproduced. Reporters through the survey found, in Shanghai's state-owned large brokerage houses, the Bank of China and China Construction Bank has suspended loans. There are also affected by the financing instruments. Since early last year, the bills discounted rate almost doubled its size is dropping lower and lower.
Last January a similar rapid delivery of credit may not be reproduced. Reporters through the survey found, in Shanghai's state-owned large brokerage houses, the Bank of China and China Construction Bank has suspended loans. There are also affected by the financing instruments. Since early last year, the bills discounted rate almost doubled its size is dropping lower and lower.

【】 January credit checks Shanghai

Earlier reports said the four early January the total new credit line of about 240 billion yuan, excessive credit concerns caused by the regulators; have been asked in January after accusing him of only two weeks and focus to ensure the protection of housing loans Customer loans, mortgage loans suspend some branches and corporate loans.

Bank of China Construction Bank suspended loans

"Head office has closed the release (mortgage) of the system, lenders can estimate a year ago, years after the specific time to release what we do not know." Wednesday (January 19), as a reporter to call home buyers Bank of China Shanghai a row, the staff responsible for the mortgage says.

Above are not isolated cases in Shanghai. Construction Bank Shanghai Branch of the mortgage of a staff member also said the bank is currently no mortgage amount, even if the contract can not lending. "Building line is not (mortgage amount), and Shanghai also can no longer have bank (mortgage amount) was."

It is reported that recently a number of state-owned Dahon line of credit due to run out in January to stop lending. Reporter through thorough investigation found that as of now, the state-owned Shanghai Dahon line of credit to some very tense, thus the mortgage has been suspended Dahon.

The Bank staff also said that mortgage applications last year, has not yet been discharged. "Now can sign, but customers will be informed in advance, and when loans can not be determined."

Bank staff claimed was built, the current mortgage loan is a queuing process. "Controlled amount every month, not to say that lending, but line it."

The difference is that ABC and ICBC Shanghai branch, said the staff, customers now have a good sign the mortgage contract, provided that they meet the requirements of banks, the relevant procedures and information are complete, the loan can be decentralized.

According to sources, the four lines in early January put the total loans of approximately 240 billion yuan, excessive credit concerns caused by the regulators, the central bank requires banks to control the tempo; a Dahon has requested two weeks in January only to ensure focus on the protection of housing loans and advances to customers, to suspend part of the branches of the mortgage loans and corporate loans.

It is reported that the regulatory authorities to the four rows in the first quarter of new loans amounted to approximately 725.9 billion yuan, respectively: 210.9 billion yuan of ICBC, Bank of China 180 billion yuan, 196.2 billion yuan Construction Bank, Agricultural Bank of China 138.8 billion yuan.

When combined with the ratio of 3:3:3:1 launch in 2011, four lines of credit lines added about 2.42 trillion yuan, accounting for about four lines by 40% of new loans ratio is estimated that the new year increasing the size of credit is about 6 trillion yuan.

Limited preferential interest rates more than the first suite

This reporter learned that, in addition to the unknown time the mortgage loan, Bank of China and China Construction Bank's preferential mortgage rates are also uncertain.

"Has not yet issued an official document, the current interest rate is still the first suite 8.5 fold; release date, but interest rates to prevail, not the signing date." Bank staff said above, even though the application rate is 8.5 fold the first suite, until the release When there is a change if the policy can only be done under the new policy.

CCB staff said that the current preferential interest rate loans first suite, suite does not just look at the first or the second suite, but according to the customers and their credit situation and the house of the actual situation.

Agricultural Bank of China and related personnel, said the ICBC, the first suite can still enjoy preferential interest rates of 8.5 fold.

Joint-stock banks, China Everbright Bank has been the first to cancel the first suite of interest rate concessions, other banks still provide at least the first Suite 8.5 discount interest rate loans; and a bank, said the fine if the customer qualification, such as high income, down payment ratio is high, and housing quality well, then, the first suite as low loan-to 7.5 fold.

The industry said that from the "price supplement the amount of" point of view, or there will be more follow-up commercial bank lending interest rate concessions to cancel the first suite.

【】 Beijing in January of credit survey

Mortgage banking outlets before the holiday, said a number of hopeless

Recently banks have tightened for individual housing loans, will the reporters investigating the case of the four major banks in Beijing.

"When lenders do not say, now we have a quota (limit), no money can be put ah!" Long-term World Bank Beijing Branch Branch clerk told reporters.

Then the other branch of the possibility of whether there are loans? The clerk said, "No branch put the question which branch tightly, and said not to put, for each branch in Beijing can not let it go. So right after the Spring Festival. Maybe after the New Year with the amount, you can put a. "Subsequently, the reporter also asked several other branches, got this reply:" before the holiday? impossible! this child are relatively tight, loans are parked a couple of days ago, maybe two days to release, but can not say put a few days. "

Bank of China headquarters stakeholders, however denied this to reporters, he said, "can not park, and will not stop lending, lending can be granted affirmative."

For the bank for the mortgage, the bank customer, said, "As long as a branch of loans now can do." But he added that "before the holiday loans is unlikely to come down, but certainly not stopped lending, and now the bank's amount is also enough. "

"Now we can do loans, but there are restrictions on the amount to apply early." CCB Loan Department staff said, "When will we get the loans can not be determined, depends on your loan amount and time of applications a. "

Agricultural Bank of China who are engaged in credit counseling, "said ABC must now apply for a loan is no problem, as long as the grant can be put down. Preganglionic been approved by will be able to pre-holiday release." Loans for banks are likely to stop the problem, She said: "This issue does not yet exist, we have not received any notice."

It is understood that the four major banks in the loan application, the basic is no problem as long as is consistent with the relevant provisions of the State to apply for loans can be accepted. But if approved will be able to lend, in addition to the Agricultural Bank of affirmative answer, the other three lines seems more difficult.

【Shenzhen】 January credit checks

Dahon individual state is 30% higher loan interest rate

According to report, general loans, the banks are now based on customer collateral, customer ratings, with the level of money demand for demarcation of emergency loans in order, in the case of tight credit, bank lending rates also will be asking for the uplink.

Accusing him of a state-owned manager of the Shenzhen branch of the public business, said the bank's corporate loans in Shenzhen ranked the forefront of the scale, but there have been some of the loans the bank due to no longer be used to recover the loans "(loans) scale is is adequate, can guarantee the normal demand, mainly for the real economy and SMEs. "

Branch, told reporters the Dahon, where the branch is also currently doing his normal loans, but it depends on collateral and guarantee the specific circumstances, "a tight position, we will give priority to secured enough customers; we do very little credit After all, our bank has a listed company, the shareholders of the output efficiency is required, so I will focus on the line to do that can bring benefits to the business. " He also said that at present his bank loan interest rates go up 20% over the benchmark interest rate to 30%, "compared with private financing, through bank loans is still very cheap."

Dahon, another state-owned manager of the Shenzhen branch of the loans, said they would, according to the revenue contribution, with the urgency of money, customer ratings, giving priority to do key customers, the general customer's credit will be delayed. He also said that the bank line of credit granted to customers 1 year validity period, customers can apply for loans by credit agreement, the bank will fulfill corresponding obligations under the contract. "As long as positions, we will not refuse reasonable customers of money, but actually more strict examination and approval."

Bill business "priority" rally in the discount rate was changed and compression

Recently, sources said, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other areas because the amount of tension in a number of state-owned large brokerage houses, suspended discounting of bills, payment of general loan, and have to wait until February when the new line and then continue to do this business. Survey found that 19 journalists, many big firms in Shenzhen said the amount of the relevant persons are tight, but for businesses and the general demand for loans discounted, the bank will choose carefully.

Dahon's Shenzhen branch of a state-owned paper sector told reporters, "tight credit now, and we mainly do high-quality line of customers. We take into account the bank business customers and cooperation, the cooked customers, other customers in a limited amount of circumstances can not do. "She also said she is currently discounted to banks where the interest rate at 6.3%, the" January has been so high since, "she considered the amount of tension in the January case, the interest rate should not lower.

Shenzhen branch of a large joint-stock banks related personnel, told reporters that the bank bill business before doing less, now more, but the bank did business more cautious note, interest rates are relatively high.

A bank analyst told reporters, compressed paper business and the size of loans in the short term, and long-term high profits can expand lending to scale.

"This operation showed in the market, notes the discount rate will be rapid and continuous upward climb. Some time ago there is indeed a week continued to rise, from 4.5% to 5.2%, somewhat lower if the next few days, it may explain the current credit the market tight and do not think that serious. "case, said the analyst.
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