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News>Fast small step into the global roll-out the U.S. international strategy
Fast small step into the global roll-out the U.S. international strategy

"make the world beautiful" in the next 5 years, the United States has set himself a target.

"'Second five' period, the U.S. group's full sprint sales income of 2,000 billion target. How 'recycling a beautiful', globalization is the only way. In the process of achieving this vision, globalization will play an increasingly important role. "Midea Refrigeration Appliance Group CEO Bo Fang said.

Overseas distribution in full swing

2010 year 10 11, the U.S. announced the acquisition of shareholding in Egypt Miraco completion of the project, as the company's second-largest shareholder. For the United States, this is just the beginning of the internationalization speed. Fang Hongbo Zeng stressed that the acquisition is just the next 5 years the United States the first step in international distribution.

First targeted the United States overseas bases in Vietnam. Early 90s of last century, the United States had demonstrated whether the fan factory opened in Vietnam, because Vietnam's industrial supporting capacity was still relatively poor, and finally gave up. Over time, the investment conditions in Vietnam gradually mature, rich labor resources and low cost; government has introduced many incentives to encourage foreign investment; more importantly, the United States has established a marketing network in Vietnam, brand influence is also growing.

The U.S. industrial base to foreign construction time is ripe. In 2007, the United States officially put into operation in Vietnam industrial park. Subsequently, the U.S. industrial base has extended to Belarus and Egypt. Bo Fang said the company holding only the first step in Egypt, means that in the next few years, the United States to promote the process of globalization will have more action. In fact, the United States have confirmed, is planning to promote in emerging markets such as India and Brazil to establish base.

Establishing overseas bases is only one aspect of U.S. global strategy. In fact, the cooperation with the international home appliance giant started early. Toshiba Macro acquired from the beginning of 1998, the United States has taken the pace of internationalization. Subsequently, the United States has acquired Sanyo magnetron plant. In 2008, the United States overseas expansion have new moves, when in July, the United States in Asia and the United States signed an agreement Carrier joint venture, Foshan Midea Carrier Refrigeration Equipment Co., Ltd..

U.S. faster sales growth overseas. In 2001, the United States and overseas sales of the group is less than 2 billion by 2009, this figure has become 3.4 billion. In 2010, the United States overseas business income of more than 5.0 billion.

Currently, the United States air-conditioning, refrigerators and washing machines and other products have been completed in the layout of the ASEAN. The United States ranked first in sales of air conditioners in Brazil, some small appliances also entered the international market.

Small brisk walking, step by step

Bo Fang admits that globalization is a difficult process. Indeed, the "going out" is not so easy, different political and economic systems and different cultural backgrounds are likely to cause business "acclimatized." Globalization also means that the enterprise funds, management, personnel and other aspects of the test.

The United States aimed at the global, but the specific tactics, then moving steadily, at every step. To reduce the risk, the United States said that a single overseas mergers and acquisitions will not exceed 10 billion U.S. dollars, do not want to "eat a fat one." U.S. Chairman of the Board He Xiangjian group that would rather take a step or two slower, half-step can not be wrong. So compared to TCL, Lenovo's generous, the United States more cautious pace of overseas expansion.

In fact, the relevant research data also shows that even the Western transnational corporate mergers and acquisitions, failure rate as high as 50%to 70%, which is just beginning to walk out of the Chinese enterprises , is a good warning.

Bo Fang said, the U.S. criteria for selection of overseas bases has four aspects, one emerging market, and second, low-cost regions and the third is a large area with radiation, four are for U.S. brand development. In the expansion, the United States will give priority to the acquisition approach.

The idea of beauty is a product to develop a product, a market to capture a market, do not do to others, the integration of the resources that others do not integrate.

Huang Xiaoming, vice president of Midea Group, said the United States to the international market, first, the products sold to international markets, and then expand the production base of the layout and, finally, enhance the brand and the world Operation Management.

Challenges of the future

However, the beauty of caution in the context of globalization, the objective is also to International into its weakest link. In the United States, "second five strategic planning", the foreign income target of 100 billion U.S. dollars. The United States also proposed to "five-second" end of the Group's overall overseas sales ratio of more than 35%.

Tap overseas markets are the United States to achieve 200 billion yuan sales target an important support is to become a true "world of beauty," an important path. This means that to achieve the revenue doubled, "recreating a beautiful" dream, the U.S. must accelerate the pace of globalization, while the risk of cross-border mergers and acquisitions and rapid expansion of the United States can not form a dilemma.

Enhance the brand is a long process. With respect to Siemens, the giant Philips, the United States still slightly thin. Developed markets in Europe and America, the United States still do OEM location, this truly international home appliance giants from there is a great distance.

However, the United States is seeking ways to address these issues. In recent years, the United States from abroad, recruited a large number of technical and marketing personnel, to attract the elite of the international home appliance giant. US-Japanese Power Group also launched the "Overseas Talents 100" program, on the 100 graduates of foreign training, and then sent back to their countries, for the United States better prepare for and adapt to internationalization. The United States has with the global partnership established mainstream channels, in order to successfully graft a mature marketing network overseas.

Order to further expand overseas markets, the U.S. group also incorporates the cooling air conditioners, refrigerators, washing machines, central air conditioning and HVAC products, and all refrigeration appliances, established the International Division, as the United States cooling global operations platform.

In brand promotion, the United States but also action. November 18, 2010, the U.S. group and FINA (FINA) established the world's top strategic partnership, which is the first Chinese FINA official partner of the world.

"The co-operation with FINA, the United States continued in-depth international road, promoting the brand of the United States an important measure of globalization, the United States will be to expand the global influence, and steady implementation of global strategy. "Huang Xiaoming said.
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