Company Introduction - Gobao Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. - Cardofcom
Company Introduction

Shenzhen Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. is a high standard, a research and development, production, sales as one of the national high-tech enterprises. High standard now has electric vehicle controller, motorcycle / electric vehicle anti-theft devices, electric vehicle charger and electric transportation solutions, four major product lines, is a leading electric vehicle control systems solution provider. Founded in 2001 years. 2009 to the present, high-standard brand of electric vehicle controller market share first.

Based on our accurate understanding of customer needs and continuous innovation in the environmental control system for electrical energy transport, business and software, professional services have established three major areas leading end to end. With research and development, management, innovation and other aspects of the overall competitive advantage, high standard has become a green leader in the field of motor control. Currently, we are all over the country

high standard to facilitate people's travel and living as a green vision, the use of professional experience in the field of electrical control, to help facilitate people from different areas, free access to the green community, in response to increasingly serious climate change challenge, high standard by leading green power control solutions that help customers reduce energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions, to create the best social, economic and environmental benefits.

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