公司动态 - Wuhan huagong laser Engineering Co, Ltd - Cardofcom
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recently huagong laser falilai to Shanghai GM, an international luxury car brand top cover rear cover laser welding laser welding and project design, which is after the Wuhan manufacturing base in cooperation with the company, assumed GM another important project, once again proved that the Chinese laser in domestic automotive body in white falilai laser weld 's leadership position in the field, huagong laser falilai to expand the automotive industry plays an important exemplary and will bring more opportunities for the company's future market development.

in addition, huagong laser falilai the successful domestic car project, implement Cap welding laser welding and floor, which will build domestic most long top cover laser welding and floor welding; car electronic field aspects, laborers high acting success scored SAIC, and shaan steam, over domestic well-known car enterprises and day Department, and de Department car enterprises supply chain Hou, recently has began large volume supply Japan a well-known car enterprises Sun sensor; laborers game hundred build of car parts quality dates back system, achieved products parts full can dates back, further guarantees car quality security.

huagong laser falilaixin the successful project, will create the longest roof welding laser welding and floor, top cover laser welding with filler wire welding, most will reach 9 metres long on each side, with a total length of 18 meters; flooring the weld through weld seam length is 20 meters.

as national major technology special, laborers technology its laborers laser falilai has and Dragon ﹑ Jac ﹑ General ﹑ River Bell Ford carried out cooperation, can meet different models mixed line production, white body fast positioning, and laser soldering welding, and welding and handling industrial robot application, technology thaw for one, welding speed can up 4.8 meters/minutes, more traditional technology, upgrade has 30%, process cost reduced 40%, body stiffness improve 30%.

in addition, huagong laser has also developed the airbag equipped panels laser smart weakening , and inside the airbag laser welding equipment , and Auto bumper laser welding equipment , and Auto laser marking solutions, greatly enhance the production efficiency, improving product quality, has won more and more auto companies recognize.

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