Company Culture - Foton Lovol International heavy industries Co.,Ltd. - Cardofcom
Company Culture

Fukuda Lovol cultural meanings:
is the main line of development, innovation-driven, goal-based organization, the legal system and social ethical framework, people-oriented corporate culture.

Fukuda Lovol cultural core elements:
scientific development, organizational goals, the legal system, people-oriented

Fukuda Lovol Culture System:

* Mission/Vision: Technology to create the future Technology Creating the Future

· core values: passion for innovation never stop; Passion Innovation Persistence
team first, individuals second. Team comes first before the individual

· business policy: globalization, structural adjustment increased content

· business objectives: high quality low-cost global

* business strategy: the value of technology to create quality win the market

· development strategy: go to content-based business growth development path

· operating criteria: integrity record results

· operating routes: high standards, fine, zero defect

"revo" brand Interpretation
"Revo" is the Chinese name meaning "thunder rain moisture, change the world abundance Waugh United States, "the celestial harmony of the natural channel.
"LOVOL" brand of English Interpretation: "LOVOL" trademark in English means "abundance of love," fit "revo" Chinese content. LOVOL with broad mindedness, selfless dedication and love for mankind and create a better life, the world is full of energy, so the earth became fertile ground for people to enjoy life.

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